Repentance: Part 4
It's impossible for a person to understand the gospel and not be overcome by joy. After all, the gospel is the most wonderful news in the world. Think about it. All your shame, guilt, and condemnation are totally removed, not because of anything you've done but because of what Jesus did.

Repentance: Part 3
When you and I bring our sin into the light, the gospel promises that we will find forgiveness and healing. Fellowship with God doesn't come by pretending we are perfect — fellowship is found in the light.

Repentance: Part 2
What if I told you that your heart (and mine) is dirty and unable to clean itself? The Bible tells us this is the reality of every human heart, and King David knew it by experience. Psalm 51 is a prayer of confession after he committed adultery with Bathsheba — it was the lowest point in his life.

Repentance: Part 1
All of us know what it’s like to feel guilty. The voice in our head of shame, embarrassment, or frustration is normal when we become aware of our sin.

A Reason For Your Hope
As believers, you and I are called to be salt and light. We are called to represent Jesus in the everyday rhythms of life. When you became a Christian, Jesus called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light. Then he sent you back into the darkness to shine.

If Anyone Is Caught In Transgression
When is the last time you realized someone else was wrong? What about the last time you realized you were wrong? The reality is that you and I live in a broken world, which means none of us get it right 100% of the time. All of us have moments when we fall short.